Half-Life 2: Substance ^_^

Moderator: GM

Half-Life 2: Substance ^_^

Postprzez Gac666x » N sty 08, 06 18:42

-------->>> http://ludus1942.ngi.it/ <<<--------

W?a?nie ?ci?gam i nied?ugo b?d? w stanie powiedzie? co? wi?cej.

Nie jest to MGS, bo nie o to chodzi, wi?c nie spodziewajta si? tam snejka. Lecz jest to wypakowana w ró?ne nowe dodatki i efekty wersja HL2, wi?c jesli kto? ma ochote to my?l?, ?e warto spróbowa? :).

Jest to swego rodzaju ho?d oddany MGSowi, poniewa? wiele rzeczy jest tu mi?dzy innymi od Sneajka zapo?yczone ;).


* New single player campaign gamemodes:

the European Extreme mode is a nightmare/legendary difficulty with all the Substance features but no extra encounters - best for low-level hardwares;

the Gordon Tales are an alternate take on Freeman's arrival to City 17 which start with a new intro and follow his steps in the Seventeen Years War, in an universe where umanity never surrendered: think of the chaos of the "Follow Freeman!" chapter, from the very beginning;

while Survivor mode is based on health management and trades Halo shields for medikits, so you must save and leech health or an error too many in the canals could prove fatal only in the citadel!

* Many new gameplay additions:

Bullet Time slows time while draining your aux power reserve. Different HEV Forms have different amounts of BT. Reloading a weapon in BT makes it reload at high speed as featured in Max Payne 2;

Gruesome new gibbing system to tear apart the bodies of your enemies. A small tweak is available in Downloads to disable dismembering FXs;

Friendly fire with retailation system makes friendly npcs turn against you if you wound them or they see you wounding one of their friends;

Open wounds make you bleed if yo u are severely wounded, you can regenerate the health back by crouching for a few seconds as in Metal Gear Solid 2 or Max Payne 2;

the Critical Hit System from Shogo: scoring skilled headshots and melee kills grants you health and armor bonuses;

Weapon weight affects run speed: running is by default ON and aux free in Substance but holding heavy weapons slows down your speed, as in Counter Strike. Different HEV Forms have different stamina values;

Fast-Punch and Throw-Grenade buttons to quickly recall your punch/melee weapon or instantly throw a grenade at the enemy like in Call of Duty or Halo;

Crosshair disappears if you don't slow down as in Counter Strike;

Alternate firemodes to equip your weapons with different kinds of ammunitions or trigger special attacks;

Solid Snake's special moves include Double jumping (jump + jump), Xen long jumping (crouch + jump, fast!), Leap Attack (attack with the knife when long jumping), Gliding (hold jump when falling);

Allies spawning: you can now create antlions at any times with Gordon's bugbait, build turrets with Gordon's Jackhammer and deploy manhacks with the stunstick

Convert enemies to your cause thanks to Solid Snake's CHAFF grenade;

Easy incendiary & energy attacks with the new i-rifle, flaregun and cluster grenade;

Kill striders with any weapon, best choices are vulcan minicannon and AWP;

Meet bullsquids, houndeyes, assassins and stalkers in the Gordon Tales and VR Training;

* The HEV FORMS class system,press tab and select your personality among the following ones! Unlocked once you acquire the crowbar from Barney. For detailed informations on HEV Forms and weapons, check the next Game Handbook chapters.

GORDON FREEMAN is a scientist and knows how to play defensively while exploiting his enemies' advanced technology to build friendly units and nasty traps. Abilities: HEV Shield and thermal flashlight (burns enemies when focused) Weapons: punch, crowbar, stunstick+manhack, pistol, mp5+grenade (employs hand grenades!), dual combine ball launcher, jackhammer+turrett, bugbait+antlion, berserk ggun (turns super if you use it for a while), explosive-stuffed proximity headcrab (kill headcrabs, win ammo), covenant grenade, quad free fire rpg

LIQUID SNAKE is the terrorist leader of fox-hound and his specialties are mass killings and stylish matrixesque executions with any kind of weapon or even bare-handed fights. Abilities: Killing Spree, HEV Knuckles,super throw (splash enemies with crates or barrels), extended bullet time Weapons: punch, tazer, stunstick+manhack, desert eagle, AK47, HK23E, Vulcan minicannon, super shotgun 1/2/4 ammo, cluster incendiary grenade, quad launcher, bugbait+antlion, berserk ggun;

SOLID SNAKE is a talented spy who relies on his stealth camouflage to evade capture or to approach and kill unaware foes in close quarters combat or silent arms. Abilities: Stealth Camouflage,Fortune Device (EMP explosion that hurts close enemies and makes impossible for enemy bullets to hit you),HL1 Long Jump Module,Double Jump,Dodge and Speed Weapons: knife, silenced pistol, silenced famas, silenced crossbow with normal+fire+explosive arrows, gravity gloves (choke enemies!), the slam, chaff grenade (converted combines are friendly to you and slaughter each other), quad launcher, bugbait+antlion, berserk ggun

BIG BOSS is an infiltrator who knows the ways of the predators of the jungle, healing his own wounds and capping his targets from afar with famed precision. Abilities: morfine shot,nightvisions,crouch mimetism Weapons: hunting knife that leeches life, stunstick+manhack ,flaregun, free fire scoped desert eagle, scoped tranquillizer shotgun, scoped AWP with embedded bullet time, scoped bigger jackhammer, scoped OICW, quad launcher, bugbait+antlion, berserk ggun, proximity headcrab;

GRAY FOX is a ninja wrath who shifts through the fabric of reality to coldly murder any living thing fool enough to try and oppose him. This form is locked until you beat the game once. Abilities: Shift to Spectral Plane, Fortune Device Ex and instant gib with any weapon Weapons: progressive katana, sns-50, sawed-off, xm-8, AUG, super ggun, covenant grenade, chaff grenade, slam, quad launcher, bugbait+antlion;
* General fixes: stats are now ported through levels, fixed bugs concerning invisibility, blue grids and turrets. Don't forget to keep your Substance installation updated to the latest patch.

MINIFAQ: To increase performance, drop the detail settings. If you get stuck in a level, use the Bugfix button (it's easy to spot on the menu). If you get memory errors, read the FAQ to customize the launch options and have a break after 1hr+ games (to cool down the hardware) or hit the bugfix button in the main menu.
Ostatnio edytowano N sty 08, 06 21:08 przez Gac666x, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Odp: Half-Life 2: Substance ^_^

Postprzez kul2 » N sty 08, 06 23:18

O Boze, on to w koncu zrobil...
Daaaawno temu, gdy OH mialo jeszcze wersje angielska i angielskie forum pojawil sie wloch, ktory chcial zrobic MGSowa modyfikacje do HL'a.
Nawet w jakims newsie o tym pisalismy, bo poszukiwal zespolu.
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Odp: Half-Life 2: Substance ^_^

Postprzez Gac666x » Pn sty 09, 06 03:21


Na pocz?tku mia?em do?? mieszane uczucia niepowiem. Z jednej strony zapowiada?o si? fajnie, a z drugiej obawia?em si? cholernych bugów i b??dów. Po d?u?szym obadaniu i zabawie w VR training (niestety nie takim VR jakim sobie wyobra?acie ;P) doszed?em do wniosku, ?e gra jest do?? ciekawa.

Narazie obada?em tylko 2 tryby czyli VR training i European Extreme

Opis po??czenia HL2 + Max Payne + MGS to chyba za ma?o, ale daje ju? pewn? perspektyw?.

G?ówn? zmian? w grze (do?? absurdaln? ;) ) jest zmiana HEV suitów (czyli wdzianka Freemana), gdy wcisniemy TAB pojawia si? menu (z dzwi?kiem jak w Codecu :P) i mo?na wybra? sobie 5 wariantów:

Liquid - Berserker, super bullet time, sadysta i masochista
Solid - Szybki, podwójne skoki, pistolet z t?umikiem (jak Beretta z MGS 2 :P tyle, ?e na ostr? amunicj?), chaff grenade, który potrafi og?upi? wrogów
Freeman - Latarka i HEV shield (pole ochronne) nastawiony na defensywe.
Big Boss - Chop z Desert Eagle z lunet?, troche wolniejszy od pozosta?ych, ale gdy kucniemy to w??cza si? niewidzialno?? (i serio nas nikt nie widzi!)
Grey Fox - Heh niestety szczegó?ów nie znam, bo to posta? ukryta i odblokowuje si? j? dopiero po uko?czeniu gry ;).

Oczywi?cie ka?da posta? ma ró?ne bronie (wymeni?em tylko te podstawowe). Ogólnie mo?na okre?li?, ?e Big boss to sniper, Liquid to krótko dystansowiec, Solid szybki cichy zabójca, a Freeman nastawiony jest na defensyw? ( i ma zaczepistego gnata ;) ).
Do HL2 dochodzi wiele nowych broni, sniperki, shotguny automatyczne, MP5 i pare innych, których jeszcze nie obada?em, aczkolwiek jest ich chyba z 3 razy wiecej niz normalnie. Wi?kszo?? z tych broni ma jeszcze dodatkowy tryb strzelania seriami, co przy pistoletach jest arcy przydatne, ciekawe i efektowne ^_^.

Bullet time rz?dzi, nieraz go u?ywa?em i powiadam, ?e jest z nim niez?a zabawa.

Gra niestety ma ró?ne nie?cis?o?ci. Np. Solid nie lubi no?y, a ich u?ywa (móg?by u?ywa? tasera, którego u?ywa Liquid O_o') +/- pare takich nie?cis?o?ci.

Ogólnie to oceniam ten Mod na 4+, aczkolwiek mo?e i dam punkcik jak obadam reszt?, no i oczywiscie jak poprawi? niektóre b??dy.

Ka?dy kto ma mo?liwo?? zagrania w HL2 powinien si? chocia? na chwile temu przygl?dn??, poniewa? jest to jeden z bardziej udanych modów do HL2 :). Mam nadziej? jutro obada? pozosta?e tryby rozgrywki ;)


P.S. Zapomnia?bym! W ca?ym modzie jest pe?no ró?nych smaczków z MGSów. Arty, d?wi?ki, MUZYKA przygrywaj?ca w menu i normalnej grze ;). Efekty d?wi?kowe broni itp. Jest te? jeden fajny myk z zego si? ciesz?, gdy w??czy nam si? kamufla? big bossa (optic camo... to raczej dola SSnake nie?) to s?ycha? d?wi?k z gry Aliens vs Predator 2 :P.
Ostatnio edytowano Pn sty 09, 06 03:28 przez Gac666x, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Odp: Half-Life 2: Substance ^_^

Postprzez Mr.Ocelot » N sty 15, 06 21:38

nop czyta?em o tym ( na kilku wazniejszych forach z HL2 by?o o tym wspominane)
jak bedziesz mia? Grey Foxa pisz:]

Odp: Half-Life 2: Substance ^_^

Postprzez Gac666x » N sty 15, 06 22:35

Troche to potrwa, bo nie do??, ?e w Substance mapy wczytuj? si? minimum 5-10 min (serio... poszed?em przepstryka? 50 kana?ów w TV, wróci?em i jeszcze si? wczytywa?o).

Sprz?t za? mój jest na tyle szybki, ?e to nie w tym tkwi problem ?adowania ;).
I am your Doom...
Zapraszam -->the-predator.prv.pl
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Uber Big Boss
Posty: 16777214
Dołączył(a): N lip 31, 05 04:51

Odp: Half-Life 2: Substance ^_^

Postprzez pomocy » Śr sty 25, 06 16:32

Mo?e wypróbuje... ale te wczytuj?ce si? poziomy mnie zniech?caj? :-\

Jak b?dziesz mia? ju? Foxa wrzu? jakies screeny - pozdro! ;D
Uber Big Boss
Posty: 16777215
Dołączył(a): Pt kwi 07, 06 10:57

Odp: Half-Life 2: Substance ^_^

Postprzez Gac666x » Śr sty 25, 06 18:14

To jest fakt, te wczytuj?ce si? poziomy bardzo zniech?caj?. Mnie z powodu braku czasu ju? zniech?ci?y jak narazie. Jednak kiedy? to zapewne przejde ;).
I am your Doom...
Zapraszam -->the-predator.prv.pl
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Uber Big Boss
Posty: 16777214
Dołączył(a): N lip 31, 05 04:51

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